Best of 2021 Voting

Annapolis Best of Beauty & Fitness voting OCTOBER 1 - NOVEMBER 30th

Annapolis Best of Beauty & Fitness voting OCTOBER 1 - NOVEMBER 30th

It’s that time of year again to cast your vote for Best of Annapolis by What’s Up Media! Lucky Bird Tattoo is up for 2 categories for Beauty & Fitness Best of Annapolis 2021:

Best Tattoo Parlor & Best Microblading

We always appreciate the time our client’s take to write us a review or cast a vote. We work hard to make sure you are provided with the best possible service and experience and we hope that everyone that visits our shop feels welcomed from the very beginning.

If you feel that this represents the experiences you’ve had with Lucky Bird Tattoo, then please take a few minutes to cast your vote for Best Tattoo Parlor and/or Best Microblading 2021 or feel free to leave us a review online. It may not seem like much, but it means the world to our team.

Thank you all for your continued support!

- the Lucky Bird Tattoo family